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English-Hindi > financial penalty

financial penalty meaning in Hindi

financial penalty sentence in Hindi

अर्थ दंड
वित्तीय दंड
financial    वित्त वित्त
penalty    अर्थदंड जुरमाना
1.O'Mara has backed up his tough words with even tougher financial penalties.

2.They face financial penalties if their methods of verifying customers'identification are flawed.

3.Let me make clear we are not looking for any financial penalties,

4.Those who fail to meet the deadline must pay hefty financial penalties.

5.The rules allow for suspensions and severe financial penalties for any violators.

6.The Patriots owner had until Sunday to pull out without financial penalties.

7.The team could break the lease without any financial penalty, he said.

8.The updated policy provides financial penalties for schools that violate the rules.

9.The judge was to determine financial penalties against Boucher and ICAP later.

10.The package delivery company also faces the possibility of financial penalties.

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How to say financial penalty in Hindi and what is the meaning of financial penalty in Hindi? financial penalty Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.